On-Page SEO Optimizations. On-Page SEO Factors & Techniques

On-Page SEO Optimizations. On-Page SEO Factors & Techniques

When you start an SEO for your website ad blog than two things come in mind...
  1. On-Page SEO
  2. Off-Page SEO
Today we will explore about on-page SEO optimizations. On-page SEO factors and techniques. Let's Start..

What Is On-Page SEO Optimizations?

On-page SEO optimizations help search engine bots to come and crawl the website and understand what is the website is all about and index the data in the server for ranking factors. One page SEO optimizations also helps your website to bring the organic traffics.

Why On-Page SEO?

On-Page SEO techniques are easy to implement. Using the right strategy we can rank our website on targeted keywords. There are few techniques in On-Page  SEO, We can use and implement it in the right way to achieve our goal in the shortest period of time. You can start the On-Page SEO from day one of the Website but you will have to keep in mind the few things. Which will explore in the article today so be stay with us.... You are not the only person doing on-page SEO for the first time so basic techniques everyone knows. We will learn some advanced techniques and some secret techniques to get better output from On-Page SEO Optimizations.

Meta Title

it's plays the most important factor in On-Page SEO. This, not the direct factor of ranking at all but let's see how Meta Title plays an important role in On-Page SEO optimization. Website and blog title somehow attract potential visitors to click on it. Your first impression will be your title to bring the traffic to your sites & post. There are hundreds of websites and blogs on the same topics then why visitors click on your website? Keep your meta title attractive, engaging, and informative to convert potential visitors to permanent users of your site. Keep your Title Tag length under the 60 characters for better SERP.

Permalink Structure

Permalink structure is the URL of any posts and pages. Keep your permalink structure user friendly and SEO friendly to each and every post and pages. Put your highly targeted keywords in the permalink structure. Search engine crawlers also look for SEO friendly URL because it helps to understand the post content and play very important role ranking factors. Try to avoid special characters in permalink. Like @, # ETC.

Heading Tags Structure

Keep your post and page heading structure clean and clear like keep H1 tags in the main targeted keyword and then use H2, H3, H4, H5 in a proper way. Don't use like H1 Tags then H3 Tags Then H2 tags at all. Website structure does matter in ranking factors. Your website proper structure helps crawler to easily understand your post and page and helps to rank on search engines on the targeted keyword. Crawler generally checks for most targeted keywords in website and blog main headings like H1, H2.

Keywords Density

Use keywords in the title, first paragraph of content and last paragraph content to tell crawler what is all about. Don't apply keyword stuffing techniques because it decreases your ranking so use keyword organically and very naturally. Somewhere Yoast plugin in WordPress helps you in keywords destiny very well further you can use 1.5% of total content including the LSI keywords.

Meta Tags Or Meta Description

Another thing to consider while doing the On-Page Optimizations for your blog and website page is Meta Tags Or Meta Description. Organize your meta tag within 150 characters and try to make sentences which will help & attract your potential visitors. Try to keep your targeted keywords at the starting of meta tags in an organic way so it doesn't seem like keyword stuffing.

Image With Alt+Text

Must use graphics on your page and post for better ranking and consideration from search engines. Graphics is one of the most important factors in On-page SEO techniques. How to use graphics in our content for Better result and answer here is Alt+Text. Image title, description caption etc. Must use LSI keywords and your brand name in Alt+Text.

Words Count

Website or blog site content does matter. For both the platform content is king so how much content is required? Try to use at least 1000 words long post for better ranking because less then that search engine will find the less informative. Sometimes 300 words post content to rank on top pages because of less competition and high authority of website and blogs but the majority of times length of content matters in on-page optimizations.

InterLinking In Post

Interlinking in your sites helps your visitors to explore more and get engaged for a long time. Interlining decrease your bounce rate and send the single to the search engine that website and blog site is very useful for visitors because they spending a lot of time. This way search engines always promote you at top search results for better user experience.

External Links

If you link some well-known sites and post in your content then somehow it will increase the credibility of your website and blog. Always try to link to a high authority website and if you are targeting the low-quality website for some purpose then use the no-follow tag.  

On-Page SEO Checklist & Techniques For 2020

Here some checklist and techniques to follow and rank on the search engines in the shortest period of time and achieve your goal.

Keywords Placement Tips For One Page SEO.

  • Keywords in the Title
  • Keywords in the Meta Tag
  • Keywords in the permalink
  • keywords in the first 100 words
  • Keywords placement in image alt tag
  • Use LSI keywords in body
  • Use LSI keyword in H3, H4 Tags.
We hope this article about the On-Page SEO Optimizations helps you. Above On-page SEO techniques will help you to bring thee traffic to your sites and blog post.
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